Refrigerant recovery Laguna Hills

Fast tips to save money air conditioning

For HVAC service in Orange County, California call D C’s heating & air conditioning 949-770-9616. Summer is just around the corner, and most are dreading having to turn on the air conditioner because of the high bill or it’s just not in your budget to shell out that hard-earned money.

Let’s go through some ways to help make sure you get comfortable and also keep the savings in your pocket! I have noticed a lot of people going solar or are thinking about the option of solar as a means to save money with either a lease or purchase! I have talked about both topics on my website so please use the search and read this before you go solar! Going solar is a long-term commitment and you will not see the returns that you will invest in for up to 10 years.

Fast tips to save money air conditioning
Fast tips to save money air conditioning

Tips to save you money on electrical usage air conditioner

We have to know what air condoning does in order to help save money! I am going to tell you in a short term that air conditioning is removing heat from a confined space or area! Air conditioning is not blowing cold air but removing the heat energy from the air that is brought into the system!

Fast tips to save money air conditioning

Here are some fast quick, easy ways to help save you money before you go solar or even consider it! We need to make your home or office more efficient like when you go to buy an appliance you can see the energy rating system on the yellow tag from least to most! We are going to do this with your home or office by making the confined space most energy efficient!

Fast tips to save money air conditioning
Fast tips to save money air conditioning

Electrical saving tips home office

Lets start with your lighting in your home! Do you still use the old style bulbs the cheap ones? This produces a lot of heat and uses a lot of electricity to run these bulbs! When these light bulbs are on I am sure you know not to touch them because they will be really hot and burn your hand right! The heat from these light bulbs heats your home or office up so that your air conditioner has to remove the heat! I call this the double whammy.

Fast tips to save money air conditioning
Fast tips to save money air conditioning

You are using way too much electricity! Here is a great way to save money fast on electricity! Let’s remove the old style bulbs and go with the LED lighting! You will be impressed how much more lighting there is and it can run all day and still be touched with your hand! These new light bulbs are more money but trust me this is a fast way to save electricity, heat, and your hard earned money!

Tip how to test your wall insulation

During the hot or cold days use the tool that is the best on the market and free to all! This is your hand! Yes, by going around your whole home or office and feel for temperature changes by wall, doors, ceilings, windows and more you will be able to feel the change of temperature, and this is causing energy loss or your money! Let’s make sure weather seals are in place! If you need insulation in walls or attics let’s take a good look at that also because you can never have enough in my book! The utility companies offer rebates for replacing or adding lighting and insulation so please check their websites or call them directly to help you save money!

Fast tips to save money air conditioning
Fast tips to save money air conditioning

Save Big Money On Your Air Conditioning Electric Bill

With my free tips and advice, you can save a lot of money on your electric bill this summer. Or maybe you just don’t run your air conditioner because of the costs. My website offers a lot of do-it-yourself free tips on heating and air conditioning. Save money by doing these small steps and you will see great money savings.

Please use my website as I talk more about how to save money! Questions and comments are always welcome!

Tired of looking for an air conditioning & Refrigeration company that you can call without being told to buy a new system? Or maybe you just don’t know who to call or trust to fix that broken air conditioner for a fair price!

D C’s heating & air conditioning

24872 Wells Fargo Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Call 949-770-9616

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